Sunday, December 19, 2004

To God be the Glory!!!

hi all u dear friends!!! such a wonderful happiness it is to be at peace with everything, and to know God, and to feel His closeness!!! sundays are always so uplifting... today's sermon revolved around the passage in Luke 2 that speaks of the angels that descended to bring the awesome news about Jesus' birth... we also had dedications of some young children in church to the Lord today!!! ahh, lil babies can be so cute!!! to know that Jesus once took the form of a child, it's such a beautiful image... and to realise that shepherds were the first to bear witness to the great news, we are reminded of God's impartiality and amazing love given to each of us, irrespective of how we measure up against the world's standards...

ah yes, the world... - God's amazing creation... yet some things can still be infuriating!!! i guess i'm referring to worldly attitudes that seem so strongly prevalent and pervasive, yet they go against everything that i believe!!! - hmmmz... i finally get over the fact that i sux at everything (well, most things anywayz... - especially those things that require a brain...) but there's still stuff i can find to complain about...

i can't believe some of the things my parents say to me lately... - well, i can believe it... i jus can't listen to them... it's so hard to honour my parents (as God calls us to do) when they seem to speak out against the things i hold dearest in my life... similar to what maxine was talking about in her blog, society's attitudes to relationships tend to be so selfish, so caught up in consumerist culture (e.g. relationships for the moment) and driven by lust and convenience... they seem to forget the truths about what relationships are meant to be about: unconditional love fashioned after God's own extraordinary love for us, rejoicing, commitment, sacrifice, and giving, all for the glory of our heavenly Father... - well, perhaps that's one reason they don't really understand... they aren't followers of Jesus Christ... i do need to keep praying for them, and unfortunately, i haven't been great at remembering that lately!!!

(...end rant...)

yah, the life of a follower of Christ is not without hardship... but we are called to bear, to endure, to resist temptation and every kind of evil - for God, as our Father, uses the difficulties in our lives, our pain, our anguish, to transform us... - and we may rejoice more in this, and to God be the glory!!! this passage is really helpful, from Hebrews 12:7-11...

"Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not
disciplined by his father? If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes
discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. Moreover, we
have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How
much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live! Our fathers
disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us
for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at
the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness
and peace for those who have been trained by it."

anywayz... ;p finally, to pray for sally's operation tomorrow morning, that all will go well, and that she may recover to full health afterwards, pain-free, in a short time!!! - God be with her through everything ;p


ps... thx kolin, yn, sal for comments!!! kolin - will be happy to discuss 7d universe some other time, tho i won't be very good at it anymore, since i don't believe in it... similarly with other cool models like parallel universe, rebound universe, subjective-reality universe, self-reflective-reality universe etc (disclaimer - these are mostly my own names for these concepts, or adaptations thereof, so aren't really proper scientific models - no string theory and stuff either ;p)... but they're all fun... yn & sal - thx also for ur encouragement!!! always so insightful and able to offer advice and clarification with perspective... God works so strongly in both of u!!! and maxine, thx for ur blog too - encouraged to read about ur journey/thoughts with Christ!!!

1 comment:

SS said...

I can't believe that you would say that you suck at everything. You're better at almost everything than almost everyone I know! (that definitely includes me) And that being the case, if you say that you suck at things then you are delivering a most horrible insult to the rest of the world (and me) saying that we are hopelessly abominable at everything!