Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Activities of the moment...

hmmmz... my supervisor decided to do clinic today after all... ;p and since i'm not properly attired for clinics, expecting only a meeting to discuss the state of ENT education for undergraduate medical students, here i find myself in the library writing yet another blog entry... ;p

current activies:
-writing blog entry...
-going over ENT lecture notes... one of them got a virus in them!!!
-reading blog entries... hmmmz, i didn't know we were that inconspicuous!!! haha...
-listening to some beautiful baroque choral music...
-glancing over Sal's triangle geometry notes for juniors... hehe... ;p it might be for "juniors", but already it's opened my eyes so much to the amazingness of the humble triangle... thx!!! [mentally throwing around triangles, lines and circles in my head... it's quite fun actually...]
-daydreaming about... very nice things... ;p
-thinking about returning to work...
-returning to work... ;p
-ohh, then an old colleague/friend from bionic ear institute comes along ;p catch up with her for a while... (coolness, almost finished her phd!!!)
-now returning to work... yep...

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