Friday, December 03, 2004

Whirlwind 50 questions... (i think there are meant to be 50?!?) ;p

(well, there are a couple still floating in the cosmological wasteland... ready to be answered...)

1. Your name spelled backwards: evad, or gubyffulf
2. Where were your parents born?: hong king, singapore
3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: ummm, mozilla perhaps?!?
4. What's your favorite restaurant?: don't have a fave - perhaps waterfront... love the seafood there!!! or crabs from east coast in s'pore...
5. Last time you swam in a pool?: probably before my operation... no, not true, i've been once since then... was shocking, what with all the pain and things!!! - i should go again soon tho, i think i'll be fine...
6. Have you ever been in a school play?: yes, several... ;p but thru late high school i sorta ended up always doing music instead...
- what happened to question 7?!?
8. Type of music you dislike most?: ummm, i don't know?!?
9. Are you registered to vote?: yup...
10. Do you have a car?: yup... well, kinda... it's almost as old as me... ;p
11. Have you ever ridden on a moped?: ummm, no!!! love to try one tho... esp if i visit deutschland anytime soon...
12. Ever prank call anybody?: nope...
13. Ever get a parking ticket?: nope... (lucky!!!)
14. Would you go bungee jumping or skydiving?: ummmz, probably not... i'd climb a mountain tho... ;p (nepal, maybe?!? sometime?!? hopefully?!?)
15. Furthest place you ever traveled?: errrm, probably hk...
16. Do you have a garden?: yup... in suburbia, i think everyone does?!?
17. What's the size of your bed?: single bed... had it for yonks... ;p
18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?: nope!!! the first verse, maybe... but then on?!? beneath our radiant southern cross, lalalalala...
19. When was the last time you had a bath?: a spa bath?!? ummm, i don't think i've had one since errm... maybe bubble bathing as a kid... oh, maybe at the hotel when i went to tassie... tassie, hehe, memories ;p
20. Best movie you've seen in the past four months?: ummm, what have i watched in the last 4 months?!? hmmmz, sal, was eternal sunshine in the last 4 months?!? if so, then that... ;p
21. What's the next movie you want to see?: i don't know... - sal wants to see miracle box... i don't know if i'll go along to see bridget jones tho, i haven't seen the first one...
- what happened to 22?!?
23. Have you ever broken any hearts?: mayhaps, once upon a time... but i really pray that those scars have healed by now...
24. Premarital sex?: errr, no...
25. Are you a good cook?: no!!! well, i don't think i am anywayz... - maybe i have one good dish (apart from the standard fried rice, fried noodles and stuff) - which is a spaghetti with mushroom and cream & chives sauce... yummm... ;p
26. Orange or Apple juice?: oj!!!
27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine?: dinner... ummmm, trying to remember... (argh, what a shocking memory i have!!! - and i thought elves had good long-term memories...)
28. Favorite drink?: water... always...
29. Best thing in the world?: there is no one best thing, for everything in the world is interdependent... for God's soverign plan to be fulfilled, every single "thing" has its place, its role, preordained and justified before the Lord... without everything else, nothing in itself would be as it is...
30. Have you ever broken a bone?: yup, but not mine... not any live person's either...
31. Have you ever won a trophy?: nope!!! tho jus about everyone else in my family has...
32. What is your favorite board game?: snakes and ladders!!! no, i don't know really...
33. What is your dream car?: wouldn't mind a mazda rx8... ;p (as a realistic possibility anywayz, maybe?!? - tho there's far better uses for money than a car...) my real "dream" car doesn't exist...
34. Ever order an article from an infomercial?: nope...
35. Coke or Pepsi?: given i had to pick between the 2, coke...
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work?: yup... but men's "uniform" jus means any sorta shirt/tie/pants/shoe combo that looks neat enough...
37. Last thing you bought at a pharmacy?: ummmm, can't remember... probably antihistamine tablets...
38. Who are you going to marry?: ask God... ;p
39. Who would you like to meet?: Jesus!!! can't wait ;p
40. Do you believe in love at first sight?: maybe... well, no, actually... it's a hard question... depends what u mean by "love" in this context... i think true love cannot be experienced at first sight, it's something that has to be grown over time...
41. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?: physical features, well, i think the whole body has to be appreciated... - how can u love the right eye and not the left knee?!? or love the right nostril and not the left third molar?!? - okay, i suppose i'm jus being silly... i love a beautiful smile... ;p
42. Where would you go for a romantic evening?: i won't tell, in case u come looking to spy on me ;p
43. How many pairs of shoes do you own?: three... ;p
44. Last song stuck in your head?: i don't remember... maybe one of the hillsong songs... they're really catchy...
46. What's your all time favorite Saturday Night Live Character?: ummm, i don't know?!? don't know if i've ever watched it...
47. What is one thing you would like to learn to do?: be content with everything in everything all the time... ;p
48. What do you do when you are bored?: sleep, eat, run, play music...
49. What is one thing you would want someone to appreciate about you?: possibly the simple fact that i am God's creation?!? - similarly, we should all be striving to appreciate this about one another and everything else!!! - such a simple fact that i find i often overlook...
50. What is one thing you are grateful for today?: everything!!! end of exams!!! great friends!!! awesome weather!!! okay, that's more than one thing... - sally, u really made my day, was so awesome to catch up with u again ;p (really missed ya for 3 days...)

1 comment:

SS said...

Hi Dave,

Thanx for the mentions of me. ;p

I'm glad you had a nice day - I did too!

love, Sal