Friday, December 31, 2004

Beautiful sunset...

's the time for wishing everyone a happy new year!!!

i guess not everything goes according to one's plans, but that's alrite... i'm learning to see things from a greater point of view than my own... was at the beach earlier, running, and witnessed the most gorgeous sunset!!! a pale rose halo was the only remnant of the last sun to be seen this yr, and as it retreated behind the horizon, it left its meek reflection on the clouds above... ready to renew its energy to shine forth once more on a fresh year...

the sun is tireless, patient, and bright as ever!!! so my spirit is reminded to forget its current troubles and to march on, knowing that it partakes in greater things than these petty struggles...

anywayz, my run... - i got to see a firework go off!!! jus one firework... ;p but yah... haha... - anywayz, when i came to the top of a cliff (about 10km into my run and about 1.5L of fluid lost by this time, i'd guess) - and realisations about my recent silliness and strangeness began to set in... i'm beginning to recognise those things within me that make things so difficult... my own shortcomings that i'm so unwilling to accept at times... stubbornness, unwillingness to surrender, pride, jealousy, impatience, rudeness etc... - these things are symptoms of a fallen soul... but at least i'm improving in some way, i'm learning to recognise and describe these things in me... - it's a bit like medicine, half the battle is to be able to describe adequately the problem and its context... so, sets forth the tasks for the coming year (resolutions, as many like to call them) - to renew my commitment to Christ, to continue following Christ in the paths of righteousness (going some way to remedying those problems inherent in my sinful nature), to love God, to bear the cross and love those i am called to love (not only those who love me), to study hard and do well in my final year, to improve my relationship with my parents...

some reflections on a year gone by - imho, the best yr of my life so far - grown so much in my walk with God (tho, there's an ever increasing awareness of how much more God has in store for all of us!!!), met so many awesome ppl - including meeting the love of my life ;p , strengthened several of my close friendships, started going to sscoc, witnessed so many awesome things in medicine (from births to cochlear implants), witnessed some tragedies too... i don't think i've ever upset my parents this much b4 either... but the tsunami disaster sure puts a lot of my troubles into perspective...

so much has happened this year... yet, in some ways, so much has stayed the same... i am still here, in my little cocoon, watching God's amazing creation from an amazing vantage point... and i'll still be here in a year's time, and hopefully for many more to come!!!

anywayz - i guess, here i am in a place nowhere exciting by most ppl'z standards, in front of my computer at home on new year's eve!!! but i'm in the midst of God's exciting creation, and nobody can take that away from me ;p - i suppose i'm resigned to a night of quietude... retreat into my cocoon and spend the turn of the year in a somewhat strangely sober mid-summer's hibernation, to patiently await my deliverance... ;p

happy new year!!!


Psalm 130

1 Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD ;
2 O Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive
to my cry for mercy.

3 If you, O LORD , kept a record of sins,
O Lord, who could stand?

4 But with you there is forgiveness;
therefore you are feared.

5 I wait for the LORD , my soul waits,
and in his word I put my hope.
6 My soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning.

7 O Israel, put your hope in the LORD ,
for with the LORD is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption.
8 He himself will redeem Israel
from all their sins.

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