Saturday, December 11, 2004

Ahhh, clarity of the mind to soothe the soul...

pic of RVEEH below... it's really well situated - near parliament station, jus across the road from a beautiful cathedral, really nice parkland and countless places to eat!!! -

a rewarding week of clinics and theatres has come to an end - it's been fun and enlightening!!! ;p i'm pleasantly surprised, actually... the highlight so far has been paediatric clinic... libby rose is a delight to work with, it's wonderful to watch the way in which she engages the young kids, she's got this really bubbly nature and energy, like a pot on the boil, you can jus feel her love for her patients!!!

hehe, funny thing in her clinic... there's this patient, a 4 y.o. with a hyponasal voice, great big adenoids and tonsils, and her parents complain about her snoring... - she's such a cute kid tho, she's got this weird smile that she makes at her dad where she half screws up her eyes, and this massive grin jus spreads right across her face!!! ;p hehe, kids are cute!!! - anywayz, on with the story... libby's testing her speech, and says, "now, can you say for me, my dad has a new red car"... the kid's like, "my da has a noo wed ca" (if u want to know what it sounds like, jus say that with your fingers clipped over ur nose, and accentuate every word...) ;p libby's like, "ok, now, can you say for me, mickey mouse", and the kid goes, "michie mouth"... "okay, can you say sixty six?!?" - "thichty thich"... ;p then libby says, "very good!!! okay, can you say for me, silly sally"!!! (that set me off laughing) - then the kid goes, "my dog'th called thally"!!! haha... i was laughing pretty hysterically by then... oh, well, i was inside... but trying hard to avoid showing it too much!!!

saw also, the insertion of a cochlear implant into a lil samoan kid with a mondini malformation (malformed, hypoplastic cochlea with less well-formed modiolus) - the anatomy was quite complicated, and the proximity of the descending part of the facial nerve, middle ear part of chorda tympani, the sigmoid sinus and dura, not to mention the vascularity of the haemopoietic skull in a 2 y.o., made for a difficult task for the surgeons... - it's hard to visualise everything, even under the lens... - but it got there in the end... such a long operation!!! 4 and a half hours!!! - but it'll be interesting to see how the boy goes, when they switch him on in a couple of weeks' time... ;p he looks like a mummy now, with metres of bandage wrapped around his head...

anyhow, so happy to have a break now... it's been exhausting... ;p but fun... nice to find myself once again in a good mood too!!! thx sal ;p - there's this realisation that clarity of the mind soothes the soul... i'm really prone to becoming caught up in things, with my mind all a cloud of confusion... nothing like meditation or relaxation to restore the mind to a state of clarity... anywayz, looking jus to relax this weekend... wind up again for another week of craziness...

Psalm 143:1-6 -

1 O LORD , hear my prayer,
listen to my cry for mercy;
in your
faithfulness and righteousness
come to my relief.

2 Do not bring
your servant into judgment,
for no one living is righteous before you.

3 The enemy pursues me,
he crushes me to the ground;
he makes me
dwell in darkness
like those long dead.

4 So my spirit grows faint
within me;
my heart within me is dismayed.

5 I remember the days of
long ago;
I meditate on all your works
and consider what your hands have

6 I spread out my hands to you;
my soul thirsts for you like a
parched land.

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