Wednesday, December 29, 2004

i can't eat any more!!!

argh, so full ;p had lunch @ king's buffet restaurant in crown today... hmmmz... lots 2 eat, nice food, but too much... ;p no dinner 4 me!!!

anywayz... jus a short blog entry...

60,000 ppl so far in tsunami disaster... ahce was devastated, in particular... such an enormous toll, and little reason to speak of... nevertheless, i trust that in all of this there will be an ultimate justice prevailing at the hands of our God (whose power it is to give life, and take life)...

thanks to God that my parents are somewhat conciliatory now, and a bit quieter (and less inclined to invade my privacy) - even if not really understanding... heaps of thx 2 sally 4 her immense love and support thru everything... ;p and to yi-ning for her advice and fellowship... and to everyone else who has had to bear with my complaints and whinging... time will be a great healer, and i ought to make every effort to learn patience thru whatever circumstances i'm faced with... for God gives us the strength to get thru everything...

anywayz - let's pray for those who really need our prayers, especially those affected by the global disaster... and mayhaps some of us will find it in us to follow yi-ning's shining example of donation to their effort... ;p thx yi-ning!!!


1 comment:

YN said...

shining example.... don't scare me... *sigh* dave u r exaggerating without basis... from now on i will be too ashamed to even come on ur blog...