Saturday, December 18, 2004

errrm... still no results... ;p

hihi, it's been a couple of days since my strange post ;p - feeling much better now tho!!! God's peace is restored in me, so long as i retain perspective... it's such an important thing, but in my strangenesses, it's very difficult to convince oneself to come to restore proper perspective once more... ;p

i think part of my problem, the inferiority complex thingy, was in part due to my ambitions to be more than i am, and my dissatisfaction with who i am and what i have become so far... regret over the things i cannot do and the difficulties i faced (or failed to face), and did not deal with properly... - but dwelling on insufficiency is no way to make progress...

everything is made clear with the light of God shining upon us, illuminating for us to see both the good and bad within and around us, but never holding the bad against us... God admonishes us so that we can improve but never demands more or berates us for being who we are... - for God loves us jus the way we are... and nothing can change that... ;p instead of being continually punished, we are showered with blessing after blessing, and treated as God's very own children...

i've learnt (again) that we should promise (to God, to ourselves, and others) to give all we can give, but no more... for we are to work within the means that God's given us, which is vast, but it would be harmful to expect to be more than we are...

watched miracle box 2day with sally, such a mixed movie!!! comedy, corniness, tragedy, love, it's all there... in it, a couple of doctors are romantically attached, the guy has leukaemia, and the girl has a strong ambition to be the best doctor and to travel to (of all places) australia to study!!! (university of central australia?!? what the?!?) - anyhow... there's tragedy with the guy's leukaemia and the sars outbreak, but there's a cool theme of focus on God, and the trials that each of them go through emotionally as they struggle with disease (their own, and their patients'), decisions, and destiny...

;p anyhow, today has been enjoyable... - we went to visit yn where she works... so busy, she is!!! have to yell 10 times to get her attention, haha... watched movie and went to beach... probably taste rather salty after being in such hot conditions... ;p oh well... thx heaps to sal for cheering me up too ;p always so happy whenever we get to spend time together!!! gonna miss u heaps next week...

anywayz, baiz!!! ;p

ps... anywayz jus hoping that my day isn't ruined when i receive my results, maybe later... or perhaps tomorrow... or the day after... or whenever... but it seems a lot of ppl are kinda disappointed in their results!!! hmmmz... i pray that i'm a fortunate exception to that trend, but i'll surely accept whatever i get...

Psalm 31:21-24

21 Praise be to the LORD ,
for he showed his
wonderful love to me
when I was in a besieged city.
22 In my alarm I
"I am cut off from your sight!"
Yet you heard my cry for mercy
when I called to you for help.

23 Love the LORD , all his saints!
The LORD preserves the faithful,
but the proud he pays back in full.
24 Be strong and take heart,
all you who hope in the LORD .

1 comment:

YN said...

Hi Dave... thanx for dropping by 2day and contributing 2 the business... hehe... Saturday is usually hectic. and so sori can't give u guys discount food cos boss and manager r both here 2day.... *sob*
Gd 2 hear sally and u had a happy tym 2gether 2day. ^0^ u guys watched the Miracle Box....sweet movie yeh??? Will interrogate sally more about wat she thinks abt the movie when i c her at kk...hehe.. but yeh... i cried so much at the scene when the guy is about to go into operation theatre...and he said: No matter what happens, this battle we have already won. Such amazing faith and strength, forever inspiring. ^0^