Monday, December 13, 2004

Christmas spirit!!!

time for today's proper blog entry, perhaps?!? ;p

i'm happy!!! yah, like a mood that's been a stranger to me a fair bit lately, for no good reason... but happiness returned... ;p thank God for that!!! - it's approaching that time of the year where everyone seems to be happy, yah?!? Christmas?!? when Jesus's birth is commemorated with a flurry of gift-giving, receiving, and disappointment, and a great opportunity for the shops to throw their doors wide open trumpeting "SALE!!!" on every surface they can find... yah, well, Christmas shopping is something i'm terrible at... uh, i haven't bought any presents for anyone yet!!! i jus hope that i'll be able to find what i've got in mind for the select few whose presents i can (barely) afford... ;p mum is great at falling for the big "SALE!!!" sign bait, especially since they're always in red... and then i'll end up with a pile of stuff that i probably will never use, as usual ;p i wonder, how many t-shirts, shorts, etc i have that i jus haven't worn since those Christmas days x-years ago?!? not to mention, some of them i've grown out of by now... before i even take them out of their wrapping... oh, not quite, they come out of their wrappings... ;p but perhaps they're doomed to remain deep in the bowels of my wardrobe for countless years to come?!? can jus imagine the day when i move and have to clear out the wardrobe, only to find in its deep recesses some size 8 t-shirt that was intended for me on my 8th birthday or something... there are countless other of my gifts that have ended up similarly in the bowels of my brother's wardrobe... ;p

the other side of Christmas tho, from an almost secular perspective anywayz, are the carols!!! conjuring up images of snowmen and candles and figgy pudding, ah those were the days... ;p nostalgia, u know it's nostalgia when u're remembering things that never happened to you, like snow at Christmas time!!! ;p but i like carols tho... one of my favourites is "once in royal david's city" - only coz it makes me feel royal... like Sally put it in her blog, a prince!!! haha ;p thx Sal, my lovely princess... but i've always had fun with carols like "white Christmas", "jingle bell rock", stuff like that... they always mention snow!!! well, someday, i've resolved, i'll spend a Christmas in the snow!!! then there are the proper carols, the ones that really do relate to historical events, the three wise men, Mary in the manger, God becoming man in the form of the baby Jesus... ;p these are most often overlooked... but thankfully, these are the ones that we're doing at church (my local church) this year... and no matter what hemisphere you're in, they still retain their relevance!!! ;p

yup, carolling... ;p only one letter and a space away from car rolling... - yup, i've had to do that several times too!!! once at the service station when my car wouldn't start... (the night of med ball, actually!!! - ah what a hectic day that was...) and several times at mary's place... i think i should share for the amusement of those who don't yet know the story... - i'd parked behind gal's car, outside mary's place, which is in doncaster, really hilly, and i made doubly sure i didn't forget the handbrake!!! (which is a story for another time) - i was parked pretty close to gal's car... i didn't mind that... i was sure i was a safe distance behind... didn't matter anyhow, i've managed to manoeuvre out of (and into) pretty tight parking spots before without too much trouble... ;p anyhow, after a night of deep discussion and prayer, we come out to farewell gal and shaz, who decided to leave at the early time of 1am... so we're at mary's door, gal gets into his car, laughing at how close i'd parked, and starts to drive off... we're waving happily, until my car, mysteriously, starts to take off after gal's car!!! straight down the slope!!! panic now!!! - because the further it goes down the faster it'll go!!! i'm seen sprinting out scrambling into the car, by which time, it decided to stop spontaneously!!! coz, it'd become wedged on the kerb as the road started to bend... ;p handbrake yanked up doubly hard, in gear now... no way am i gonna let that happen again!!! ... or so i thought... next time i'm at mary's - i decide to park in the driveway... it's gonna be safe here, i thought... small gentle slope... no need to put the car in gear, besides, if i start it later and forget to clutch, then i'll end up putting a great big hole in the side of her house... i don't think she'd appreciate that... so car's happily sitting there... something like half an hour later, jim arrives... ;p says to me, "hey dave, nice parking... ur car's touching the garage door"... - i'm like, "ergh, i thought i'd park close, coz then someone else can park behind me in the driveway"... i'd parked close-ish, but was pretty sure i'd left a few metres still!!! - then we all go out, and sure enough, the car's ploughed into mary's garage door!!! i'm all lost for words at that point... why did i forget to put it in gear?!? ;p car moved fine, after that, thankfully no huge impression of the bumper bar was left in the door... ended up parking a few blocks away, a low spot, where the car couldn't move unless it decided to roll upwards instead!!! ;p - well, hopefully lesson's been learnt... now i never forget to put the car in gear whenever there's the slightest slope ;p

hmmmz... - time to go now?!? i have work to do anyhow... - yup, work... ;p i've got the task of reviewing pretty much the entire set of ENT lecture notes for future cohorts of melbourne medical students... yay!!! ;p hmmmz... maybe not a good idea to say that?!? i'll be blamed for all the bad ENT teaching... argh... hopefully, saying that here, i'll be extra careful with my approach to this task... ;p but i shouldn't need that to motivate me... for, everything i do, i shall do as fitting unto the Lord... ;p - all the motivation i need is in the great love the Father has lavished upon us (1 John 3 ;p), and what better time to bring His gift of grace, of love, of forgiveness to mind, than around this time of Christmas... thank you God, for Christ Jesus!!! ;p and let us not all forget the true meaning of Christmas!!!

au revoir, auf Wiedersehen!!! & God bless!!!

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." - Colossians 3:23-34


SS said...

Oh, you haven't been really happy lately? Didn't you just say in your last post that you have been happy? *confused*

But, merry Christmas! Hope you have a great Christmas, even if it's not in the snow! And you're right (as usual ;p) - the true joy of Christmas is experienced when we remember the marvellous miracle of our Saviour's birth!


FLuFFy_BuG said...

hmmmz, yah, i jus meant a fair bit lately, there have been a few times when i've not been quite as happy as i should be... - i mean, what reason have i to be unhappy about anything?!? - i can't really think of any good reason... especially when there is so much to be thankful for and happy about...

yah, and merry xmas to u too!!! ;p - prematurely saying that, but hmmmz... - i'll probably end up wishing u merry xmas several hundred more times anywayz... haha... j/k

SS said...

Yeah? Well, I've got to wish you all the merry xmases this week... next week it'll be like 'mmrrr cshshmmm'
