Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Meme time...

no, this really ought to be exam-study-sleep time... but yeh, got this off jim's blog, via sal's blog... ;p how i let myself waste time like this is almost beyond me...

God bless,

First break-up: december 99 (how freaky, same for me, jim... tho my answer should more accurately, but less precisely, be 2nd half of 1999...)
First screenname: alleycat (wow, brings back memories)
First self purchased album: jebs - of someday shambles
First funeral: my trumpet teacher... i hardly learnt trumpet, but my brother did for quite some time...
First piercing/tattoo: never
First true love: believe in this one... ;p

Last car ride: back home with shaz jus a couple of hours ago
Last french kiss: um, not fully sure... few days...
Last good cry: a few weeks ago probably... in the depths of despair...
Last library book: a book on guillain barré syndrome... the things we do!!!
Last movie seen (in theater): hhgtg
Last beverage drank: h20
Last food consumed: rice with fish, chicken schnitzel and assorted vegies... ;p
Last phone call: sally
Last Time Showered: this morning
Last shoes worn: strangely my red flame reebok dmx's, which i don't wear very often now...
Last item bought: lunch at uni (mee goreng)
Last annoyance: at myself over being annoyed abt something else that wasn't worth being annoyed abt...
Last time wanting to die: a couple of yrs now i think...
Last time scolded: a few days... hmmm... ;p

Who are your best friends?: gal, shaz, mary, and sal (my favourite person ever)
Do you have a girlfriend?: yeh
Do you do drugs?: no (did u know that "no" is some form of japanese theatre?!?)
What kind of shampoo do you use?: palmolive naturals for dry hair (atm)
What are you most scared of?: losing my mental faculties?!? jus from a discussion we had in a tute abt growing old... maybe i am afraid of growing old...
What are you listening to right now?: my brother's computer's noise and headphones, the sounds of warhammer... my computer is very well-behaved and silent!!!
Where do you want to get married?: a church where all my/her friends and family can be there to celebrate too...
What would you change about yourself?: would like to be more like Christ... turn away from my horrible ways of rebellion and self-centredness...

Color: green, that speaks of nature's beauty...
Food: chocolate!!! my dopamine receptors cry out for satiety!!!
Boy name: hehe... names i like?!? or names i would call a boy?!? i like names with k in them, like kynan... but i'd probably go with a more traditional one if i had to choose, like thomas, or simon, or james
Girl name: kayla!!! or mikayla ;p - haha...
Subjects in school: physics... music...
Animals: dog ;p love labradors...
Sports: tennis... table tennis... ;p but i usually do lonely sports like running and swimming...
Perfume: calvin klein eternity

Given anyone a bath?: nope... i don't think so, anyway...
Bungee jumped?: no...
Skinny dipped?: no...
Ever been in love?: yeh, like now...
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: when i was little...
Pictured your crush naked?: ...
Actually seen your crush naked?: no...
Lied?: yes...
Fallen for a close friend?: nearly...
Been rejected?: which 22 year old guy hasn't... (i hope u don't mind me borrowing ur phrase, jim ;p) - once, yes...
Rejected someone: yeh...
Used someone?: no...
Done something you regret?: yeh...

Clothes: jumper, and abt three more layers underneath... still wearing socks and pants from today...
Music: silence... (u know, that piece by john cage?!?)
Annoyance: me, very often me...
Smell: anosmic... no, not true... but nothing stands out...
Favorite band/artist: too many... ;p currently still like coldplay...
Desktop picture: spirited away, pic of chihiro!!!
DVD in player: the passion... and anne-sophie mutter playing beethoven disc 2...

You touched: shaz...
Hugged: sal...
You imed: gal, maybe?!? or shaz?!?
Imed you: as above...
Called you: sal...
You called: sal... ;p (kinda predictable, eh?!?)
Bought you flowers: hmmm?!? let me think... if i remember right, i don't know who would've bought them, but whoever for some music gig ages ago...

Kill: nobody...
Slap: myself... i feel i need a slap ;p, or maybe jus some sleep...
Kiss: ummm, pretty clear already, huh?!?

Coke or pepsi: poke...
Flowers or candy: flandy...
Tall or short: tort... doesn't matter, so long as have long hair... ;p

All I need is: God... ;p
Love: God, sal, music...
You dream of: strange things... even i find them strange... ;p that's weird...
Last person you danced with: i don't know... sal, probably... either at dance thingy, or at daniel's place... either way, was a while ago...
Worst question to ask: what if?!? (no, not always true... but yeh, i don't like asking this question of myself...)
Who makes you laugh the most: am in a mood i find hard to imagine what laughter even is... but yeh... some ppl succeed even still ;p
Who has a crush on you: i don't know... i know of several who "had", but believe they'd all be over it now...

Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: used to... once upon a time... ;p there are some funny stories i can tell abt this, tho most ppl aren't ever going to find out...
Wish you were younger: not really... but yeh, i think i like 21, so maybe a few days younger...

Of times I have had my heart broken: ummm, depends on what u mean... once (see above), perhaps, might count... but my heart is well and truly intact ;p
Of hearts I have broken: i hope none... one probably, possibly a couple more, but i hope it can still be zero!!!
Of girls I've kissed: 2
Of continents I have lived in: 1

1 comment:

SS said...

Hmm... internet working again, lol! Interesting meme - it's funky to read someone else's after spending time doing one's own! I used to do memes quite a bit, when people emailed them to me, but found that very few of the pple I emailed my answers to actually did it themselves... so got a bit boring and discouraging... =p