Monday, June 20, 2005

Repentance... More Deliberations...

repentance is the change of heart that comes with recognising Jesus is Lord... repentance is turning from our sins, but further than that, turning to God... - and only by turning to God, looking to the cross, can we truly repent...

can i lead a righteous life?!? after all, Jesus did say that unless our righteousness surpasses that of the pharisees, we cannot enter the kingdom of God... - but no, inevitably there is a sinful nature within our flesh that will cause us to fall on occasion... - are we then banished?!? no, because by asking forgiveness and believing on Jesus, God sees Jesus' righteousness, and not our own... and certainly, Jesus' righteousness surpasses greatly that of the pharisees!!! so praise to God!!!

i think repentance is important, and often underemphasised... i mean, salvation is not something we can do by changing our ways by our own power... salvation is something we come by only by trusting wholly in Jesus... - and we will be judged at the final day, not by what we do, but by what Jesus did for us...

;p repentance is therefore important, not because it is what saves us, but because it *always* accompanies true faith... i mean, how else can we respond to one so wonderful as our God, except to obey Him?!? to seek forgiveness from past sins?!? to turn to Him and away from sin?!?

i think martin luther said it best when he said, "faith alone saves, but faith that saves is never alone".

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