Sunday, June 05, 2005

Bug infested...

am bug infested... big bug overrun with little bugs... they seem to have been having lots of fun with my body in the last week or so... got this picture of little furry bug things running around, and jus randomly going, "let's go over there" - "i wonder what this is" - "ooh, a macrophage!!! run!!!" - "ooh, it's got a multiloculated nucleus, it's a neutrophil!!!" - or "i wonder what we look like under a gram stain..."

bugs have been making me feel hot and cold, giving me generalised muscle aches and pains (these symptoms have resolved so far), intermittent headache, sore throat, taking away my voice (case for those studying for dmf exams?!?) - and it's frustrating for some1 like me, who likes to give his vocal cords regular exercise, not being able to talk!!!

despite all that, so many things to thank God for still ;p
-that i am still alive
-that i can still type
-that i can still whisper
-that other ppl can still talk to me
-that i can listen to their wonderful voices
-that i can still play music
-that i can still do ENT
-that the ear is so intricate
-that i have such great friends
-that i am still happy
-that God has made Sally ;p
-that God has revealed Himself thru Jesus
-that God is so amazing
-that God is so loving
-that God is so wonderful!!!

praise the Lord!!! ;p

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