Friday, April 22, 2005

Strange day...

;p trying to think of a title for this post... inevitably, this has a title by the time you read it, so what's going on in my head at the moment might be a rather confusing, redundant ramble that won't really interest you anyway... so without further ado, i'll go on to describe a really strange day ;p

relatives have arrived here yesterday - seven of them, all of whom are my mum's siblings (there are 11 brothers/sisters total), are all staying at our place!!! somehow this seems to still work... only greeted them this morning, after being woken at 4am, and being grumpy, due to being unable to get back to sleep for quite a while... somehow was still able to exchange pleasantries, as is customary... ;p

set off today for train, miss intended train, and have to wait... get on train, conscious of running late to my 9am tute, but seemingly unfazed... miss tram at flagstaff and wait for ages, adding to degree of lateness... next tram comes, i see sandra on board - so good chance to catch up - incidentally, first of some bizarre bump-into-ppl things today... after sms'ing several ppl to inform of my impending lateness, i turn up only to find that not only am i the only student to turn up, but that the tutor has cancelled the tute too!!! feel much like idiot at this time, later learning that i ought to have been in the camp of the other students who either forgot, slept in, or were off with some other psych team... yeh, i could've slept in!!!

ah well... anywayz, get to rmh, in unmotivated, sulky mood, trying to cheer up self by reading blogs ;p yah... anyhow, cath turns up and tries to motivate me... she succeeds, we set off to interview a patient... on the way, bump-into-ppl thing happens and we see eunice and mark (haven't seen mark for yonks!!!) who take the opportunity to talk to us abt long cases... all those of u who are doing long cases in 5th yr, don't panic!!! - key elements are a thorough history, presented with "some structure" (you'll learn so many different structures, you'll get confused, but so long as you have some structure, u'll be fine), a focused physical examination (yes, really focus on what you expect to find given the history!!!), and topped off with an ability to ramble indefinitely if need be... ;p

anyhow, i digress... we continued on our way to ward... and meet a patient who happens to have all these roundabout connections to both myself and cath!!! we end up really connecting because of these coincidence things, and have heaps of fun really... shall discuss no further, lest i risk incriminating myself and breaking the hippocratic oath re: confidentiality... anyhow, really pray for her (our patient), she's really got a lot to live for!!!

finally have a good tute, my presentation went well (see, if i can do a long case, even tho it's psych, anyone can!!!) ;p some really helpful tips from tutor abt organisation of the psych presentation (e.g. grouping by diagnostic criteria, refined focus in mse)...

after tutes, wind up at uni, sally has to pick up this book, and the librarian asks about christian union... ;p so that's really awesome, she and sally get talking, and turns out they know some ppl in common, and are attending the same b'day party 2moro nite!!! coinkidink?!? or what?!? ;p God really has demonstrated His awesome reign and wonderful sense of humour today, i tell u!!! - so much so i had to indulge in half a pack of m&m's...

had some wonderful dinner... looking to start planning for next yr (yes, next yr already...) - but ought to sort out car troubles... hope it can be fixed in time for beaufort trip!!! mind tripping atm... need sleep... (get out of overdrive... haha... before i self-diagnose mania or schizoaffective disorder or something...)

God bless ;p



YN said...

hi dave! yn here... how r u? haven't seen u for ages.... due to my absence from late nite msn most very interesting post. ^0^ and wish u lots of gd time with sally. *grin*

FLuFFy_BuG said...

hey yn ;p thx for comment!!! - God has been really merciful... car wasn't as badly damaged as first feared, now fixed!!! hehe... can rest a bit easier... going to d'nong's today... ;p eating so much lately with relatives over, need to exercise!!!