Thursday, April 26, 2007


I decided to post a continuation of the puzzle from before. This one doesn't require that you know the answer to the previous puzzle - I guess I just extended the story (honestly, though, I have no idea where the story is headed!). Puzzle writing is fun, I think. Anyway, have a go. This one's a bit more difficult than the previous one.

Sans Script

You awaken in the professor's house, groggy and tired after your ordeal the previous day.

You remember escaping from the cold, dark maze, then emerging into the blinding light of day - what was left of it, anyhow. It was late, and the sun began to set spectacularly after that. You arranged a rendezvous with your rescuer, who had helped you through a remote computer terminal. He introduced himself as a professor, one of a team unlocking the mysteries of the subterranean labyrinth in which you had been trapped. People appeared inside at various locations without warning, trapped by some sort of teleport mechanism. Some escaped, some didn't. You take some comfort in the fact that you are not alone in this - but feel sorry that some did not make it out alive. The professor took you in for the night, tending to your most immediate need - rest.

This morning, however, you see no sign of him. Evidently, he had left earlier in a rush, with a flurry of upturned papers strewn over the floor of the kitchen. All sorts of bits of paper haphazardly adorned the floor - article cutouts from Nature, Science, JAMA and many others. A hand-written note left on the table was barely legible. "Find me at the university in the relevant department". A sense of panic wells up inside of you as you realise that you hadn't been informed of what department that might be - indeed, you don't know what sort of professor he was. Your composure and sense of hope returns, however, as you examine the watermark behind the words.


1 comment:

SS said...

don't tell me it's a magic eye!