Sunday, May 14, 2006


Yawn. Again. It's been my busiest fortnight to date, although a far cry from the 80 hour weeks and 3 day shifts our predecessors had to endure, 113 rostered hours (plus overtime) over two weeks is hard enough! I was happy to stroll in the misty rain this morning, having a moment to appreciate the autumn colours and the moist leaves blanketing the ground, for once not feeling like I needed to be somewhere in a few minutes. And my brain relished that opportunity, as my mind simply floated, far, far away, out of the reach of beckoning voices. I'd almost as well have been drifting towards the edge of the universe. But the soft fall of misty rain on my face kept me awake, and I smiled as I returned to reality, thanking God for the gift of peace, and rest.

At church, we continued the series on Colossians. How singleminded we ought to be as followers of Christ! If Ephesians 1 is a constant barrage reminding us of our new identity "in Christ", then Colossians 2 is also. And in Him, we find our new lives! Long gone is the rule of the world and its deceptive philosophies - instead we are raised above them, having had our worldly ways nailed to the cross and put to death, so that we can now rejoice with Him!

Unfortunately, I find that it's often so easy to slip backwards, to profess that we have received our new lives in Christ, but to also fail to "continue to live in Him", instead eyeing the "basic principles of this world". Essentially, such basic principles are spirits of self-centredness or human focus, and the "deceptive philosophy" that stems from this includes ideas of individualism, legalism, exclusiveness, and hostile competition, all of which are so prevalent in this world. In any situation (I don't think it would be unique to a career like medicine), there are always dangers of ignoring God and instead relying on ideas of human origin to deal with the situation. If we think about it, it's absurd that we will happily yield some parts of our lives to God, and not other parts - as if we know better than God in our so-called fields of expertise!

While I'm on blogger - just a shout-out to Sal in France:
** HaPPy 21st! **
Party on way through the night!
Love you, & missing you heaps!

Anywayz, sleep beckons. God bless! And goodnight!

1 comment:

SS said...

Er, no, I did not have a party. Not at all. I didn't tell anyone it was my birthday. I guess I'll wait till I get back.