Friday, April 14, 2006

Happy Easter!

Hey all, it’s been such a long time since my last update and I thought I ought to say something at least (even if not much). I am back in Melbourne now, having completed my emergency rotation in Mildura, and am working at Western Hospital as part of the general medical unit, which is quite a change of pace! Of course there are still stressful times – however, they are but mere moments amidst a sea of tranquillity, relatively speaking. For the first time, I feel far less guilty about taking a short break for lunch, and despite the longer hours, I have more energy to enjoy my time at the end of the day relaxing, hanging out, rather than simply slumping, exhausted, on the proverbial hay.

I caught up with a friend from my old high school today, Vince – he lives so close to me now, just five minutes’ drive away. He’s settling into a new job also, this time in the field of biomedical product manufacturing (things like plasma, factor concentrates etc). We ended up going to Max Brenner's chocolate haven for some hot chocolate, just the way to cool down after a busy week. It’s such a blast from the past, catching up with Vince – hearing about one person getting married, another person in India, yet another in Dubai, all creating havoc wherever they go! He has a cosy apartment, and the view from the rooftop is amazing in the starry night, overlooking the sleepy Melbourne cityscape on Easter eve.

Yes, it’s Easter. And I can't help but feel for my poor patients who are destined to spend this time cooped inside a hospital, being poked and prodded for blood and drips, being attended to by disgruntled doctors and nurses who were not spared the weekend shift. It's not the most fun kind of life, really, and it's quite a disempowering experience to be a patient. It's hard enough having to live with a debilitating illness. I imagine it must be doubly hard to hear the news that they are not yet fit to go home the day before Easter. If it's any consolation, perhaps even the diabetic patients ought to receive a big, juicy, diabetogenic chocolate egg! (And a big whack of insulin just beforehand)

Yet, regardless of our circumstances, now starts a time of celebration – a festival commercially linked with clearance sales and chocolate intoxication – a festival that serves, for Christ’s followers, as a stark reminder of the amazing sacrifice made by our Saviour, shedding His own blood at the cross. And for those who work, it’s either a time for holidays and going away, or a time for lamentation of the lack of such holiday (somewhat compensated for by the increased remuneration over the weekend). I pray that we can focus on the true meaning of Easter this year, and remember soberly the death of Jesus on Friday, the blood He shed as He took the punishment in full for our sins. I pray also that we rejoice and celebrate His glorious resurrection, and the eternal hope we have in it this Sunday!

So, without further ado, have a Happy Easter, eat some good chocolate, and God bless!


gracie said...

Don't think I've left a 'fluff' before.. but here goes>
found this blog and love the name "Elkandren's whispers" - where did you find the name "Elkandren"?
Happy Easter...

SS said...

Dear Dave,

I'm really glad you're having more time to relax and enjoy yourself. I'd totally forgotten about chocolate in connection with Easter, strange, isn't it? Don't know why, but nobody I've talked to recently has even mentioned chocolate in connection with Easter (although I am still steadily munching through my block of choc). I guess it's been good, then, to just be focusing on Easter as the day of suffering for Jesus... I went to a Good Friday service today for the first time, I think - the message was about the 7 last 'words' (really, utterances) of Jesus on the cross, which can be pieced together from the four gospels, which are quite meaningful. Perhaps I'll go into that some other time though, this essay which unfortunately needs to be done means I can't devote as much time to reflecting as I'd like to. Still, it's been a nice peaceful day.

FLuFFy_BuG said...

hey sal, haha my chocolate intake skyrocketed last couple of days - not that i've eaten much, jus that my baseline chocolate intake is so low... like perhaps one small piece every few weeks or so... but i've consumed maybe one large egg, several small eggs, and a couple of scrumptious lindt pralines in the last 2 days... i hope these pimple seeds don't make their fruit too evident, haha... ;p watch them grow as i sit here listening to french jazz music so late at night...

FLuFFy_BuG said...

gracie, thx for your fluff! you have such a wonderful blogworld yourself - and such talent, eh?!? music is a great gift... thank God for music!

as for elkandren the dreamy elf, and his "conception" - visit (and scroll right down to the bottom)...