Thursday, February 16, 2006

End of another week - start of another weekend...

Phew, today the hot weather returned! Just as the Commonwealth Games torch arrived in town, it was boiling enough outside without needing to heat up even more with a flame! The main mall in town was all closed off, along with some of the main streets, but hardly seemed like the whole town was there - jus a small crowd for the stageshow, and another small crowd watching the watermelon eating competition. Traditional Samoan and Pacific Island dancers shared acts with Koori troupes, with quite fascinating costuming and energetic choreography.

Energetic was quite the opposite of how i've been feeling most of today tho - last night completed a 15 hour day, from start to finish, and flopped on my bed, woke up at 6am this morning with my clothes still on and the room still bright! Had to still start early today - but thankfully, I have the next 3 days off (yay, can Skype with Sal 2moro!) - and am going back to Melbourne, to meet the first year students for my first official tutoring job at Queen's college.

Today - did my first lumbar puncture. Too scared as a student to do one, but then again most hospitals had policies that students weren't to be doing LPs anyway. The lady was quite large, so identification of the landmarks was quite difficult - but the needle went in fine after one first attempt hitting bone. Unfortunately, even with the needle (which is a pretty impressive needle, abt 15cm long) all the way to the hilt, all that dripped out was blood (known technically as a "bloody tap"), so it wasn't helpful in the end - the lab rang back saying that they couldn't analyse the sample. Poor lady, wouldn't wish that upon anyone - tho her condition was so terrible anyhow, after presenting with an indeterminate cause for altered conscious state, she's now requiring intensive care for airway management. For the rest of my patients, the news was far better - some category two patients I had the pleasure of sending them home with good news and no need for hospital admission. Needless to say, they were also very pleased about the results.

Anywayz, off to sleep soon, am yawning incessantly - at least I have a flight ahead tomorrow instead of a long energy-sapping drive. Till next time, au revoir, and God bless!

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