Thursday, January 05, 2006

Oh, back now...

Have arrived once again in Melbourne, came back a couple of days ago. I'm a picture of tiredness and lack of motivation - jet lag? or more like the kind of blues that sets in when you miss someone so much? I don't think it's yet fully hit me, the truth that I'm no longer overseas and on holiday, spending every moment with Sal. I mean, it's obvious to me, but I'm still like a stunned mullet, simply swimming along in the stream of time, but doing little more than existing. Activities of life are more like chores now without Sal around to share them with. Other things - like sorting out my medical registration, setting up my bank account, talking to the people at Queen's to arrange accommodation for the year - get done out of sheer necessity. But when I'm doing things like that, I'm able to put on a successful façade of cheeriness, putting my true feelings behind me to simply observe and not interfere.

Sal, it's such an emptiness without you. Time passes so slowly now, while the past month seemed to go like a flash. Around you, everything seemed so much more vibrant and exciting, the mundane became thrilling, and it was awesome simply to discover all sorts of things during our adventures together. I guess I recognise that this had to come eventually, where I'd have to come back here and work, and leave you to study there. Maybe I wasn't prepared for the emotional difficulty, but I'm sure things will get better as time goes on, and the time draws closer to your return.

There's no shortage of stuff to deal with here at home though. While we were away, a pile of letters accumulated on my desk for me to deal with, most things dealing with starting work next week, one 21st invite for this Saturday (the RSVP was two weeks ago), and a few other bits and pieces. So I still have been running around doing things during the day, and today I officially became registered as a doctor. Just in time for work. Am slowly making my way through the papers, phonecalls, etc. to set everything in place. So much effort required just in this transition period, and I'm glad to have accommodation pretty much already sorted out so I don't become snowed under by all that as well. Coming back to Melbourne has also meant a return to the land of hay fever. I didn't count, but as I tried to return to sleep this morning (having woken up a bit too early) I sneezed about thirty times straight! I hope to adjust to this soon.

Shall sign out now. Thank God for His comfort, and the sense of perspective that we gain by looking to the cross and putting Him at the centre of our lives.

1 comment:

SS said...

Oh, I'd forgotten about hayfever... is it hot there atm?

Fluff! Methinks your life in Melbourne is rather exciting and busy too! Who is turning 21? (that's like, my age! - you're at the age to go to weddings... lol)

I guess I'm trying to occupy myself with stuff too, going to hockey game tonight (played by McGill Redmens) even though I'm pretty tired. I'm still not sleeping that well. Because of all these activities (and I'm going to more classes than I need to, due to not having fully decided yet), and the time taken up by cooking, shopping etc... there's not been a lot of time to just take in and reflect on things... I don't know if I can explain it properly, but everything that goes through my mind at the moment are more like reactions to things rather than proper reflections, analyses. I guess, maybe, because everything still seems new. I'm getting used to it though... including the winter, though I was cold again this morning (and boiling last night, in the same room!)... it's a pretty fast-moving city though... anyway I'm not making sense again... I suppose my mind is not doing a great job making sense of a lot of things, it's just going with the flow...