Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Missing ya

Sally is in Sydney. I already miss her heaps. Even though I know so much of it is irrational, it was almost traumatic to say goodbye - all the while knowing that I'll probably see her on Saturday! Who says guys aren't emotional?

Now I begin to see and understand why some couples I know (though most of them are married), find it such a difficult consideration to be apart even for just a few days. I used to find this astonishing, thinking, "oh what, it's just a few days, so what's the difficulty?" - until I face the situation myself. It's like a part of me is missing, because it left when the other person went away. And my emotions irrationally behave as if no return is in sight. And it just doesn't seem to occur to me that it won't actually be so long before next time I see her!

Time passes, or doesn't pass (as it seems), it's now Tuesday - it feels as if Monday, when Sal left, was ages ago. Like a few long days, not just one. Time is a funny thing - it seems to take itself when we are saddened, and it loosens itself and runs away when we have fun.

Miss ya heaps, Sal!


YN said...

poor dave....
dun worry... 2day is wednesday... only 3 more days to go.
tim tam is on discount in coles... u should stock heaps for chocolate therapy when u feel miserable in the next 3 days....
lol just kidding.

hope u can find fun stuff to do on ur own. ^0^

SS said...

I miss you too dave... will be back soon!

SS said...

Sally is back now!