Monday, August 29, 2005


wow, last couple of days have been amazing ;p i don't really know what to say, but yeh, i feel so fully invigorated and renewed in my being after a really horrible couple of days... feel like rejoicing!!!

such a complete turnaround from jus couple of days ago... when sal & i were finding communication a struggle... even tho there seemed so little real reason for unhappiness, and i had every reason to rejoice, my world felt so empty... so empty that i felt like a dumb animal trapped inside a cave filling with mud, and nobody could hear and understand my anguish... my eyes gazed upon a world that i could not understand, nor could i make myself understood... not even my closest companion felt within reach... i felt like echoing the words of David in psalm 22:

"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Why are you so far from saving me,
so far from the words of my groaning?
O my God, I cry out by day, but you do not answer,
by night, and am not silent."

- Psalm 22:1-2

but praise to Him who performs miracles!!!

human relationships are always so full of wonder and mystery!!! at once so fulfilling that one captures a ray of brilliant light from heaven... but at other times, one is driven to the depths of despair, one starts to enter into their own shakespearean tragedy...

anywayz - it's only 2 more days til spring!!! ;p and the weather has been very springy... hmmm... minus the hayfever ;p i hope it can stay this way for a lil while, sunshine illuminating the natural spendour of green grasslands and trees starting to bear all manner of colours... before i'm too busy sneezing to appreciate the scenery ;p - best remedy: mometasone furoate nasal spray (i'll refrain from using trade names here)... discovered that one on my elective term...

so i hope the change of weather heralds a good season of happiness and growth for all of us ;p - and may we always remember God's miraculous power of restoration!!!


SS said...

Tho you are a copycat. :-(

FLuFFy_BuG said...

yes, i know... ;p sorry!!!

if u haven't read it already, visit sal's blog...