Tuesday, July 19, 2005

God's plans...

i jus got the news yesterday that i missed out on my first preference of royal melbourne hospital, so will be doing my internship at western hospital in footscray next year... i ought to be happy, but part of me, for a day, refused to accept this verdict... part of me, for a day, decided that there had to be something wrong with me in order for me not to have been selected at the place i so genuinely wanted to be next year... part of me, for a day, wanted to hang on to the head-borne idea that so vividly played itself in my mind - me, an intern, working at the same hospital i'd been trained through for the last two years...

so my mind's been zinging, ka-chunking, splicing bits around in order to dismantle the idea, and replace it with a new one, intern at western hospital... i suppose i've today come to accept it a lot better than i had yesterday... for a day, i was in a horrible mood, and must have been terrible company... for a day, i grieved myself, as if my worth were determined by my selection at a particular hospital... for a day, i failed to trust that God has much greater plans than my own...

today's odb has been particularly pointed, and refreshing, in light of this... it talks about God's mysterious plans...

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28

thank God that He is in control, and not us!!! i pray that God will help me not only accept this departure from my set ideas of before, but will help me use this unique and wonderful opportunity to grow to get to know Him better, and to serve in my capacity, as well as possible, the patients i'll be treating next year... i know that the experience will be a good one, and will turn out in a few years' time, wherever i'll be, to have been a greater blessing than i can possibly imagine...

for now, i think, i'll leave with the couplet from today's odb:

"My times are in my Father's hand;
How could I wish or ask for more?
For He who has my pathway planned
Will guide me till my journey's o'er."
- Fraser

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that the places that we initially resist might often turn out to be the places where we find the most rewards. - YQ