Tuesday, March 22, 2005

So slack...

hey all - ;p since previous blog, have been restored to a state of peace with myself, which can only come as a result of feeling peace with God... so thankful that i have come thru that thick cloud of negativity, that my eyes latched onto a ray of hope and have not let go - bringing me out of the cloud and into the realm of light once more...

attended helpful Bible study today on exodus 5-6, with moses petitioning to pharaoh to let his people go and worship God at God's command... but, as God had warned, pharaoh was hardened and did not know God, believing he was in control... in fact, pharaoh believed he was in some way God, the ultimate authority... of course, this was to be proven wrong... but what was the reaction of the israelites?!? this is interesting - because as God's people today, we mirror the same reaction...

the israelites were, for a time, pushed into a more severe hardship with unfair demands being placed on them in excess of their labour capacity... as slaves, they were harshly treated, and endured difficult work, and little reward... if anything, they were punished because they couldn't do the impossible... - but when this happened, they blamed moses, and appealed to pharaoh... their thoughts were that the power to restore fairness lay with pharaoh, and they failed to approach the mighty hand of God, the one who is always faithful and is ultimately truly in control... by approaching pharaoh, they demonstrated a lack of confidence in God, they distanced themselves from God's present reality...

are we like the israelites?!? i definitely can identify with them... difficult things happen, like the tsunami disaster, like war, like relationship troubles, like grave injustices, or gross immorality... and we ask, "where is God"?!? - too often, we then decide to resort to measuring things by our own thoughts and ideals, whilst ignoring God's plans and perfect timing... so we seek solace in comforts that are intrinsically worldly - gambling, drugs, sex, false religions etc... (a later example of this was seen when moses was up on sinai...) rather than simply petitioning to God, working to measure ourselves by God's standards, confessing sin and trusting in God's Son, Jesus...

lead us not into temptation, God... - but as our deliverer, saviour, and Father, constantly remind us of Your presence, Your mighty hand in control of everything, and your infinite love, wisdom, understanding and perspective... thank You so much for Jesus, whom you sent as an atoning sacrifice for our sin, and may we, by Your Spirit, be transformed in our hearts to follow faithfully and to bring glory to your wonderful Name... in Jesus' most precious name, i pray, amen...

God bless, love-in-Christ,
dave!!! ;p

ps... happenings - if you happen to read this on time, come to inu bar (union house) 7.30 wednesday 23rd march (tomorrow!!!), concert raising funds for aid organisations helping deal with the aftermath of last year's boxing-day tsunami... should be a great night, hope to see some of you there!!! (sorry for late notice!!!)

pps... soon about to finish emergency rotation - feel like i haven't done heaps, hours-wise... a really slack block... learn some really useful things though, and an opportunity to make the most of... but it's all over by the end of this week, and next week is a week off!!! shall hope to enjoy, not long before the end of this year comes upon us, and i become a (yes, very scary, ain't it) doctor!!! am almost certain to be intern at royal melbourne hospital next yr... ;p jus hope i can be a good one!!!


SS said...

Yes, I'm definitely like the Israelites too, quite often... can't really see God's will (especially on micro-level) --> become annoyed about little things, and selfish, and try to solve problems by thinking in a self-centred way. But the key is really to keep God at the centre of our thinking and do everything for his glory! So to your prayer I say.... amen!

:-) I'll be at the Tsunami concert! :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dave:

Your post opened my mind a little about what feelings I was having after the bad consultant experience. I think I was afraid that the only way to be successful is to follow that path of those who became successful by way of disregarding others and sacrificing the essence of medicine in fulfilling their ambitions.

That demonstrated a lack of faith on my part that I could not adhere and practice the true essence of medicine and the compassion that God would like me to practice onto his children, as if that would somehow get in the way.

I'm sure that once I let go of that "insurance" that supplants faith, my fears will dissolve and I will trust in the path that God has shown me.

Remember that dream I told you in which God spoke to me? When he said "As long as you allow my hand in your life, you will overcome all fear and all pain."? He was emphatic that there will be fear and there will be pain in abundance, but I'll pass them as long as I held on to him in faith. Time enough to reinvest in faith rather than fear-driven insurance. :)

- Yi Qiu

FLuFFy_BuG said...

thx for your comments sally & yi qiu!!! ;p right u both are!!!

yah - we do need to let go of our own agenda, which are too often world or self-centred, and driven by fear, not faith... ultimately fulfilment can only come out of faithfully keeping God at the centre of our lives... let not the world and its distractions draw us away from being God's children...

thx, and God bless both of u!!! (and anyone else who might read this!!!)


ps... happy easter!!! remember what God did for us!!!