Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Still in Perth ;p

still here ;p lots of fun, nice sceneries, long drives, huge meals, laziness, attacks of spontaneity while shopping, haha... unfortunately, not able to upload fotos yet, most of them are on film... will post some when i have time (hmmmz - how much of that will i have?!?)

speaking of which, i haven't any time really to post now... kinda posted some thoughts here and here in sal's blog... so read them instead, hehe... ;p

sal, hon, missing u heaps!!!

fluffiness, dave

1 comment:

YN said...

hi dave. gd 2 c u bk. sori didn't have time to talk to u 2day and rushed away to sell ppl fried rice and noodles soaked in oil... LOL 2day was extremely busy.. pancakes alone we sold 160 at least on the safe side....
Anyway have fun at church 2moro. ^0^