Tuesday, July 01, 2008

100th post...

Quite amazing, thinking that this is my 100th blog post! I think it started 4 years ago (or 3 and a half) - so that's about 1 post every 10 days or so, which is remarkable seeing that I haven't posted anything since January!

The first half of the year has been quite fun - settling in after marriage, Sal going away to China and seeing a whole different health system, moving to a new place, and working in ICU (finally, a place at work where I actually feel like I belong - so I might be looking at a career here long term).

It has been a great time of experiencing God's grace and mercy - in his providence he has given us a feeling of settledness about our relationship, a sense of direction about career.

The second half of the year will be interesting - and we will be deciding and finding out where we'll be headed next year (in terms of jobs, specialisation etc). I'm hoping to do anaesthetics/ICU - this is offered at most hospitals in a package called a critical-care year, combining jobs in emergency, anaesthetics and intensive care - and have applied to several different places, in hope of finding one that will take me under their wing, and train me up.

Anaesthesia seems like a good long-term option. I really enjoy ICU - but then, with the vision of participating in the medical missions field down the track, anaesthetics seems like a more portable (useful) specialty. Anaesthesia also serves as a great co-specialty and pathway into the ICU specialty. I guess I'll find out what the whole scene is like, and see whether this is for me. Sometimes, finding your role in this world (career-wise) is not a matter of a dramatic calling - it may be as simple as falling into an area where you feel comfortable, and I'm sure that God can (and does) use this as a means of saying that one can serve well in this way.

Watch this space!