Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Flock! And some other stuff...

It's been such a long time since the last time I've written in this online journal. This time it's about something called "Flock" - you'll find it here. It's reputed to be the first taste of Web 2.0 available, and well worth it too. I'm writing this blog from within Flock, so if you're reading this now, then at least this part of the software has done its job remarkably! Its other features include integration with Flickr (online photos) and Shadow (online favourites), and hopefully I'll begin to post photos on Flickr rather than simply being a photo-less parasite viewing other people's pictures. Step one would be to somehow get photos onto my computer, perhaps a camera would be useful?

Anyhow, here am I, yet another late night in front of the computer, facing yet another sleep-deprived day of patient care. Fortunately, I've somehow survived on basic sustenance levels of 6 or so hours of sleep daily - but this won't last much longer. I'm beginning to take evening naps, but hopefully instead of eating into my proper sleep time (like now), it will serve to boost my net amount of sleep and hence my energy levels. So goes the plan anyway.

Weekend saw me attend two 21sts - the first of which was Sal's! Yes, finally, after all this time, the party happened. A much belated 21st - and much fun for all! I'm glad to report I'm fine - yes, haven't become sick after consuming my own fried rice. The other food there was lovely too (thanks everyone), we all got entangled in the knot game, and many an embarrassing moment was made light of in the speeches. Not that there are many embarrassing moments to talk about for Sal, who is quite the angel.

I thought I'd take this opportunity to present an authorised (and much amended) version of my speech then - and paint a clearer, truer picture of Sal, and how much she means to me. Sorry for the strange anecdotes in the original one, Sal!

"I've now known Sal for almost two and a half years, and it's hard for me to think back and imagine life without her. She has been such a blessing to me in many ways, from the moment I met her I couldn't help but think (and know) that I'd met someone very special. So talented in many ways, I was amazed at her enthusiasm, her achievements, her dedication to God - and I just couldn't help but think that I wanted to know her more.

Our relationship was initially built on common interests, these being music and medicine, but as time progressed, I began to see that not only was she an amazing person on the outside, but also the inside. Her inner glow became more apparent - her truly caring heart combined with ambition gave rise to a wealth of dreams that I just wanted to share in and make happen. And these were more than just air castles - her mind is a fountain of dreams and ideas that are heartfelt and genuine.

One of these dreams was that of going abroad to study French and experience a new culture - and so she jetsetted halfway across the world to Montréal, away from family and friend for six months, to realise this dream. Going overseas for a holiday is one thing - going overseas and having to establish a life for oneself is a totally different matter altogether, a real test of character and mettle. Combined with the cold, harsh winter of Montréal in December, Sal built a new home, made new friends, joined orchestras and church groups, and went exploring. For one who had little prior experience of living independently away from home, this is quite an achievement!

Another of her dreams was improving her already excellent ability on the violin. In fact, so much was her desire to do this, that I first met her on the premise that we would talk about how best to go about achieving this dream, whether to aim for an associate diploma or not, given that medicine is so demanding already! At the end of last year, she did indeed earn her diploma - and I have been privileged to witness her growth and maturation as a musician, and it's a real delight listening to her.

While our relationship has been a wonderfully joyful one (certainly most of the time), we have also had our trials. Such times expose character, when one becomes vulnerable. I have to say, I am truly thankful for Sal's immense love and unfailing faithfulness in this regard - where many would find it too much, she persevered; where many would find me difficult to love, she loved me anyway. When I was silent for fear of being misunderstood, she would encourage me to speak. Our love may not be perfect, but then, we are given a lifetime to learn to love, practise loving, and grow in our relationship. Thank God!

I am blessed to know such a wonderful person, doubly blessed to share my life with her in such a special way. I am more certain of God's amazing creative power because of her - so beautiful a person, yet so talented, and even more amazing, that she could possibly love me in the way she does."

Missing you heaps, Sal. All the way where the phone can hardly reach in Marysville! Anyway, I guess I should sleep now. Thirteen hours of work tomorrow! God bless!