Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Too busy to B-L-O-G?!?

Hey all, yes it's been a long time since the last entry. I have so much to blog/write about - but at the same time, it's not really that important! In brief, I'm now doing the surgical resident job (colorectal surgery), which is busy, busy, busy - not the most busy, but just consistently so - just enough that I have scant time available to write blog entries. However, something very exciting has happened - Sal is back from her long absence abroad! So yes, when I return home all surgery'ed out at the end of the day, I have something to look forward to!

I have now become a "morning person" by necessity - starts at 7.30 every day, except for the few days when this becomes 7.00am (which necessitates arriving 15 minutes earlier, and waking up about an hour before that) - and the days are depressingly dark, with the sun still dim and beyond the horizon when I rise, and gone by the time I leave work in the evenings. I miss the sun! Not all is gloomy, though. Today (or tomorrow) is winter solstice - which means that the sunny parts of the day will only get longer from now on!

Murphy's law has proven itself quite reliable, unfortunately, over the last few weeks. Today was a great example of that. Twiddling our thumbs around 11am today, myself and my fellow surgical intern ("surgical intern" sounds better than "colorectal intern") were looking forward to an easy afternoon - a rarity in this job. He took the afternoon off, leaving me to do only a few, fairly easy jobs - but simply tedious. But as chance would have it, life took a turn for the worst for one of our patients who had surgery just yesterday - one of the clips decided to fall apart and bleed inside his tummy, making him very sore, and us very worried (and busy!). Most of my other jobs got knocked back to later on in the evening - it becomes very difficult to manage the ten other patients when one is so sick! Eventually, this man went to operating theatre around 6.30pm - and here's hoping that all goes well for his operation.

Murphy's law operated similarly yesterday - when a patient decided to turn up on our ward half dead and on his way to the afterlife, again making a lot of work for us! But I would probably call this one differently - it was a great stroke of luck that as he turned up on the ward, the nurse and I were able to assess him and recognise how severely ill he was to do something about it. One has to recognise that "do something about it" in this case meant "call for help!" - and before long, all the right people were in the one place, his life was saved, he was moved to intensive care - and although he's not yet out of the woods, at least he's not going further in!

Enough of my grumpy complaining, time to catch up on sleep, methinks! It will be good to finally get a proper eight hours of sleep - and hopefully wake up ready to face another day - another day at the office, another day that promises a whole heap of weird and wonderful surprises.

God bless!